Archive | August, 2014

The Golf of Monticello

18 Aug

Before I dive, and only into where I know it’s deep, into the spectacular details of both Friday and Saturday’s TC Classic events in June, I need to do the deserved, and apologetically, late,thing.

When one has to repeat thank you’s to the same people, I think it’s impossible to convey the sincerity every time. Something to do with the exponential dilution of emotion through repeated action. I really just made that up in a coffee shop right now, but with the right backing we can get that to be a course in the Sociology Department at the University of Colorado. Anywho, what I want to do right now is thank all of you who have touched my life since I took a severe right turn from my life trajectory.

Especially to those who gave, showed up, volunteered, wrote me letters, wrote me poems, drew me pictures, bought me drinks, made me smile, let me ****, drove me around, endured my dirty bed (I actually said endured my dirty van, but voice recognition isn’t perfect; however that typo certainly was), picked up my wallet, literally picked me up, and so many, many, many other things; I say with complete shock and honesty, thank you. Shock because the generosity and compassion all of you have shown, and continue to show, surprises me. Not because I thought you were selfish jackasses before, just that I never knew human beings could be so consistently unselfish. Someday somebody will say that it’s typical for people to want to only serve themselves, if you’re near that person on that day think what you have done for me or others in need and then multiply it by thousands. The world is a good place because of people, and those people are all of you. So, again, I thank you not just from the deepest places of my heart, but from my mind and my body. Not only have you helped me tangibly with your resources and gifts, you’ve helped me spiritually? Mystically? Morally? Aesthetically?

Actually definitely not that last one, there is another word that sounds like that I wanted to use, so if you know it, you know what I’m talking about.

The Friday night fundraiser night 7 weeks ago raised enough money to pay for my continuing fitness therapy, personal care attendants (PCAs), a wheelchair that fits me, and myriad of other things. This therapy, ABLE, not only has increased my muscle function and overall health; but the more in shape and healthy I am, the more likely I am to be selected for any future research studies. Such studies are totally happening, and totally realistic, but more on that later. The check for the fitness program (ABlE) was cut and it was only cut because you gave me the stuff to make it cuttable.

Okay, now that I got all of your hearts a’beatin and your brains a’thinkin, I’ll give you a brief rundown of the fantastical adventures of the TC Classic-part deux.

It was a warm Friday evening in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota. A June 20th never felt so deserved as a more brutal winter my 27 year old eyes have not seen. And as June rolled around it was still melting from our neurons. So we did what any self-respecting, cold-weather dweller does during the summer-put the keg on ice, buy a beer pong table, pickup some super good pasta salads, and have ourselves a good little fundraising party. With the generous help of many local businesses and people, we had a fat spread of breezy and refreshing summer wines; fresh, tongue snapping beer; and sweet, sweet fireball cinnamon whiskey. Next was the beer pong table and tournament bracket; and, finally, the people. Many friends from far and wide showed up to say hello. I was able to show off my apartment without actually having to clean it. My community room and pool area are shared space so the room is already clean-a pretty sweet deal. We had a great time and conversed until the early late hours.

For those who had elected, the following day would be a brutal challenge setting man and women against ball and nature.

Saturday, June 21, broke with an easy, gentle breeze. Maternally prodding golfers and conscientious non-golfers alike awoke from their slumber and prepared for the single most fantastic day of their lives. And by God, that morning breeze did not disappoint. In contrast to the devastating monochromatic winter I earlier described, that Saturday was as blue, green, brown and vitalizing as mother nature can get. Once again we looked out with perfect golfing weather on a weekend day. We had around 85 golfers all starting off with a shotgun start at noon, playing 18 holes. Others kicked it on the patio, shooting the breeze with greater ease than those shooting from rough up to their knees. I had the distinct fortune to be chauffered around the course in a golf cart, able to say hello to everyone and judge harshly everyone’s swing. Don’t worry, I only let those with the mental fortitude to withstand it know that their follow-through needed work. This actually worked out great, last year I wasn’t able to transfer into a cart very easily so I wasn’t able to see everybody play; but again, because of all of you and my ability to continue therapy, this year I was able to easily transfer into a cart and hold myself up throughout the ride on the flat golf course.

By 5 PM most players were done, as was gorgeous George, the large male pig that had been spit roasting for 10 hours.(see images? Where?) Delicious pork, beans, and potato salad was shared by everyone, and fortunately those who finished last had to walk with an air of shame and pride to the buffet in front of all those who had successfully finished before them, also known as beating them I believe (Then again I’m not a golfer so I don’t know if it’s a race).

Throughout the day and the dinner people bid on a select few items and enter the raffle for some others. Everybody was beyond generous and once again I was amazed by everyone’s willingness to help out. Some good people want some good stuff and it worked out well. Is everybody finished up dinner I was able to say hello, thank them, and share the dealio about wings for life ( The powerful charitable organization created by Redbull. Hopefully I’ve communicated to all of you the importance and realistic drive of this charity, but if I have failed to communicate that, as I failed to communicate so many things, please check out their website. If you know me, then I think you will be pleased to see such a well put together group focusing on CURATIVE means for spinal? cord injury. As you can see by all of the capital letters, I’m quite passionate about this topic. And actually in other news I am now a member of nonprofit – Get Up Stand to Cure Paralysis – focusing on bringing curative research to Minnesota. like most things on the Internet, if I spoke about the bow it would involve into incoherent ramblings and too many links for one browser to handle. I will follow up this post with specifics soon.

All in all the Second Annual TCClassic-part deux II, was an excuse for me to see all of the people that have built my new life. And you, yes you person who wasn’t able to make it, I appreciate what you have done for me with equal force. All the things I am saying I say to everyone, but I just like saying “the TC classic,”kind of like seeing your name on an office door or something. Anyway, I truly hate asking people for help, and even truelier hate asking people for money. And that’s what this was all about, but once again my family and friends came through to help me where I couldn’t help myself. Those closest to me not only organized this event but all the others who participated helped me. So, thank you. Alright that is the last one, citing some super genius, I know that saying thank you multiple times denigrates the meaning of said thank exponentially.

P.S – even today when I think about writing something I picture myself writing by hand or typing the words, kind of like the pictures of people performing actions to help define a verb in a different language. But now that I use voice recognition for 88% of my writing, I realize it’s really just ideas and thinking. So it’s not actually writing, but talking, talking the ideas out of your head. Just thought that was interesting and I wanted to talk out the interesting from my head to you.