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The Accident

11 Jul

On Sunday morning, July 8 while on a Wisconsin lake with friends, Thomas sustained a severe spinal cord injury as a result of a boating accident. He was rushed to Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, which has one of the best spinal cord programs in the country. There it was determined that he had fractured his 5th cervical vertebrate and underwent a six hour surgery to remove bone fragments and stabilize his neck. He is able to breath on his own and his speech is fluent and coherent. We know his speech is fluent because we clearly understand his wiseass comments. He was taken to the Neurosurgery ICU to recover from the surgery where he is quickly recovering from the operation. Today was a big day as he was able to get into a wheelchair and visit the spinal cord rehab center where he will be moving tomorrow. He also ate a full meal from P.F. Changs. He will be at Froedtert for a while as he begins rehab.


Click here to see comments from Thomas’s orignal blog post on Care Pages.

TC & the Neck

8 Jul

On July 8 Thomas sustained a severe neck injury. He was rushed to a Milwaukee hospital where he underwent surgery. After a week, he moved to the UW Hospital in Madison, where is is getting rehab.